‘I've always made a heavy distinction between belief based on blind faith, and belief based on evidence.’.
‘They live by explicit faith in the doctrines embedded in their respective religions and cultures.’.
‘He argued there that environmentalism is essentially a religion, a belief system based on faith, not fact.’.
‘Religion is based on faith, which my dictionary defines as ‘strong belief without proof’, so it cannot be based on reason.’.
‘He is committed to a firm belief, based on his strong religious faith, that he will be healed.’.
‘Delia had a strong religious faith and an inherent belief in providence and that things would work themselves out eventually.’.
‘I am a person of deep faith, strong religious convictions and an optimistic view of our world as one where love abounds and peace is held up as the common vision of the majority.’.
‘Christianity in particular has praised those whose belief is founded on faith, rather than proof, as the story of doubting Thomas shows.’.
‘But underlying the suggestion is a huge faith in the state to predict the future and a belief that it should have the power to control who is fit to have children.’.
‘American political culture has a strong faith in the efficacy of markets and skepticism in the competence of government.’.
‘Modernists, by definition, have a strong faith in the future.’.
‘It's time for an agenda that restores faith in business, trust in business leaders, and hope in the future.’.
‘Individuals have lost faith in one another and confidence in the future.’.
‘The printing of this article has restored my faith and trust in humankind.’.
‘Little wonder the citizens have lost faith in the system, in all the institutions, with even the judiciary seen as part of the problem, not the solution.’.
‘Is it any wonder people have lost faith in the political and judicial systems?’.
‘Every single worry about how we socialise children is laid open to question, until one wonders if society has lost faith in our ability to socialise children at all.’.
‘I do not have 100% faith and trust in politicians but I do live in a democracy.’.
‘Sales of unit trusts almost halved in 2001 as investors lost faith in equity markets.’.
‘There are even former inspectors who worked hard and in good faith who ultimately lost faith in the inspections process.’.
‘And yes, I've pretty much lost faith in all politicians, even more so in recent months.’.
‘A society that has lost faith in ambition and imagination will be bad for science.’.
‘So I ask tonight to have faith, confidence and trust in your own selves, and in this country and above all have trust in the world because he will deliver you, don't worry.’.
‘‘You've got to play with confidence and have faith and trust in what you're going to do,’ Faneca says.’.
‘In an era when so many of our young people are falling victim of the drink and drug scourge that is sweeping across the country like a typhoon, I had a lot of my lost faith in our youth restored last week.’.
‘Since the public has lost faith in ideology, politicians must now use fear in order to maintain their hold over the masses.’.
‘Many people have given way to despondency and helplessness, having lost faith in leaders and politicians.’.
‘He said the general public had lost faith in politics and politicians and the forming of deals that exclude a section of the public from the political process.’.